$AKITA Bitget listing

To successfully generate more AKITA volumes, we believe it’s important to add it on more CEXs. this proposal recommends listing AKITA on Bitget which is an L1 exchange with significantly more daily trading.

Purpose of this listing is to generate more volume for AKITA and list on a tier 1 CEX.


The Bitget team have confirmed they will provide a discount of a few thousand dollars.

Listing on this big exchange will allow $AKITA to make more big movememts and partnerships .

Proposal - Cost
This proposal requests the tokens needed to list AKITA on Bitget exchange. The original price for listing a token is $80k+$80k, but Bitget team has confirmed we will receive a big discount. Total price for this listing will be 60k + 60k + 40k(MM).

Centralized exchanges offer an extra layer of security and reliability when it comes to transactions and trading. By facilitating the transaction through a developed, centralized platform, centralized exchanges offer higher levels of comfort compared to DEXs .

CEXs often offer a range of trading tools and services, such as market analysis tools, order types, and margin trading, which can help increase liquidity and facilitate trading for a token

CEX listings can bring more volume & value.

The Akita DAO will use its current funding stream from Gitcoin (through Q1 2027) and any future revenue streams to support the development and growth of the ecosystem.

Bitget in all insantces.

Bitget ranked #12 by CoinMarketCap and has 7.9/10 trust score by users in CMC & CG . Bitget volume is about $780M while writing and has a tital assets of $1.6B .

Listing timeline: during the BTC halving

Voting and discussion timeline

Discourse discussion: 2 weeks
Voting : 1 week
Execution: by DAO stewards .

Yes, No, Abstain - If the total YES vote is greater than the total NO vote, then this proposal would pass and be executed by the Akita DAO’s Stewards.


Thank you for putting this together and it seems like a greater quality exchange to look at than Toobit, but I also see there are calls for other exchanges starting to be discussed. My two concerns are:

  1. Getting the highest quality exchange for the resources we are dedicating.
  2. Timeline for accruing the overall cost.

Focusing on the 2nd point, we need to be clear as to what tokens these costs are being paid with - specifically how the MM fee is expected to be paid (all in a stable, all in AKITA, etc) and whether there are any ongoing monthly fees or expectations.

The timeline may be accelerated depending on the outcome of our 60-day LBP which is hopefully beginning in the coming week, but remember that a good chunk of that is already allocated towards other liquidity activities.

If we aim at withholding $40K per month for Jan-Apr 2024 with AKITA at the current price then the entire $160K should be manageable. I would not advise trying to plan for any sooner than May 2024, but the stewards should be monitoring this timeline regularly.

Cons/drawbacks should be considered – primarily the earmarking of such a substantial sum of money towards CEX listing versus development of any dApps, rewards programs, etc.

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Hi Ryan . Sorry for too late reply . I was checking all the conditions and possibilities and i noticed that Bitget can be the best and highest quallity cex listing . I don’t see any drawbacks for the listing , others can mention .

We can set the Bitget listing for May , good timing ! But let’s also plan for a good tier 2 listing while waiting for Bitget , with a max budget of $25k~$30k . I have a good option for that . I just want you to check our treasury funds and let me know the possiblity . Timing for tier 2 can be at the end of Jan 2024 or in Feb .

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What is the listing schedule with brokers and how can I help to collaborate with the project?

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What collabration do you mean?

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I will submit the Bitget listing today/tomorrow . Please let me know if May 2024 is a good time for listing depend on our budget @RyMac

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You can plan for May, but the AKITA token price is crucial to making that work out. If it dips much lower than current price, then we would need to push out to June or later.

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To successfully generate more AKITA volumes, we believe it’s important to add it on more CEXs. this proposal recommends listing AKITA on Bitget which is an L1 exchange with significantly more daily trading.

Purpose of this listing is to generate more volume for AKITA and list on a tier 1 CEX.


The Bitget team have confirmed they will provide a discount of a few thousand dollars.

Listing on this big exchange will allow $AKITA to make more big movememts and partnerships .

Proposal - Cost
This proposal requests the tokens needed to list AKITA on Bitget exchange. The original price for listing a token is $80k+$80k, but Bitget team has confirmed we will receive a big discount. Total price for this listing will be 60k + 60k + 40k(MM).

Centralized exchanges offer an extra layer of security and reliability when it comes to transactions and trading. By facilitating the transaction through a developed, centralized platform, centralized exchanges offer higher levels of comfort compared to DEXs .

CEXs often offer a range of trading tools and services, such as market analysis tools, order types, and margin trading, which can help increase liquidity and facilitate trading for a token

CEX listings can bring more volume & value.

The Akita DAO will use its current funding stream from Gitcoin (through Q1 2027) and any future revenue streams to support the development and growth of the ecosystem.

Bitget in all insantces.

Bitget ranked #8 by CoinMarketCap and has 7.9/10 trust score by users in CMC & CG . Bitget volume is about $780M while writing and has a tital assets of $1.6B .

Listing timeline: after the BTC halving . According to AKITA price listing will happen on May-june 2024

Voting and discussion timeline

Discourse discussion: 2 weeks
Voting : 1 week
Execution: by DAO stewards .

Yes, No, Abstain - If the total YES vote is greater than the total NO vote, then this proposal would pass and be executed by the Akita DAO’s Stewards.


Updated proposal . Check it out

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