Coinsbit exchange $HACHI listing

To successfully generate more HACHI buy volumes, we believe it’s important to add HACHI on more CEX. this proposal recommends listing HACHI on Coinsbit which is an L2 exchange with significantly more daily trading.

Current status of HACHI in CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko is untracked due to no volume .

Purpose of this listing is to fix the problems we faced with CMC and CG .

Timeline: As soon as possible.


By this listing ,Coinsbit exchange promised to keep our volume and ranking up on CMC , CG forever.

The Coinsbit team have confirmed they will provide a discount of a few thousand dollars.

AKITA foundation has been working on setting up a partnership with a game studio for 1+ year. These discussions have intensified after the launch of HACHI (as it enabled AKITA Network to set aside a large number of tokens for an upcoming game partnership). However, the game studio has communicated it’s essential for HACHI to have more of both volume and liquidity before proceeding with negotiation.

Proposal - Cost
This proposal requests the tokens needed to list HACHI on Coinsbit exchange, as soon as possible. The original price for listing a token is $30k, but Coinsbit team has confirmed we will receive a big discount. Total price for this listing will be 18.5k .

Centralized exchanges offer an extra layer of security and reliability when it comes to transactions and trading. By facilitating the transaction through a developed, centralized platform, centralized exchanges offer higher levels of comfort compared to DEXs .

CEXs often offer a range of trading tools and services, such as market analysis tools, order types, and margin trading, which can help increase liquidity and facilitate trading for a token

Also CEX listings always can bring more volume & value.

The ERC-20 governance token HACHI is the governance token utilized by the holders of the digital currency AKITA, also known as AKITA INU.

HACHI allows holders to represent their voice in the Akita DAO, a distributed-leadership community focused on building a long-term ecosystem for its members. The Akita DAO will use its current funding stream from Gitcoin (through Q1 2027) and any future revenue streams to support the development and growth of the ecosystem. By connecting to Snapshot, HACHI holders can vote on proposals that will steer this ecosystem development process.

HACHI will also be utilized in the future to buy AKITA.

Coinsbit in all insantces.

Coinsbit ranked #40 by CoinMarketCap and has 6.7/10 trust score by users . Coinsbit volume is about $285M while writing.

Coinsbit HACHI listing

Proposal is now live on snapshot , you can vote with your HACHI tokens:

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