$AKITA Burning ideas!?

A lot of investors are asking for $AKITA Burning.
Maby you have some cool ideas on how to #burn $AKITA?

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Anyone? Can we use HACHI to burn $AKITA? Probably yes! Maby you have some options in your mind???

No one ever seems to be able to come up with a compelling reason as to why $AKITA should be burned by the Akita DAO instead of utilized to expand the ecosystem for the $AKITA token. A viable solution should be focused more on individuals, and their choice to burn their own $AKITA. Our funding is already restricted, and we must be focused on the long-term health of the DAO! Of course, this is only my opinion. :grinning:


Many people believe that burning tokens that have a lot of tokens in circulating can bring more value per single token . I also believe that . But we should find a good idea that really works instead of burning them directly as we have restricted funds .

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Let’s do another burn like the Akita Rescue back in 2021.
For every 1 AKITA purchased, we burn 2.
Or we can use HACHI, for every 1 HACHI purchased, we use the same amount to buy AKITA to burn them.

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Thanks , feel free to draft a proposal with all details

Thanks , feel free to draft a proposal with all details

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There is an allocation of HACHI in the tokenomics that is intended for buying AKITA. This has not be executed yet, so you might want to consider that in your proposal.

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Hi, I think the supply of akita is high and the token burning process is very slow. We need to bring the total number below 50T.

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One more idea.
Long-term play.

Burning :fire: NFTMarket.

In NFT Market you can buy all kind of Artwork (Paintings, Photos, Videos, Music…) from new Artist who want some Publicity.

We offer Publicity if you list your Artwork in our Market.

We will use our Main Twitter account ~40K followers to Promote our NFT Market.

Our main Twitter account is our Strongest β€œweapon” for Marketing.

Buy/Sell: Use your $AKITA to buy some Artwork in NFT Market.

Collected $AKITA will be burned (sent to β€œburn” wallet.)

X amount % if $AKITA could be collected and stored in our DAO treasury for future Development/Marketing/Giveaways.

If you burn your $AKITA then you will get some X amount of $HACHI (compared to amount which is burned) as a Reward.

This would help to decrease $HACHI amount from our Multisig.


I like the idea. I would suggest the DAO keeps a decent portion of the $AKITA, like 10-20%. It might be a small revenue stream, but it can help underwrite the costs of development and administration.

$HACHI could be given out to active users.

You could also burn additional $HACHI in your purchase transaction to increase the burn on $AKITA. The DAO may be getting less $AKITA in the transaction, but it is also decreasing supply of $HACHI.

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