Upcoming Akita airdrops?

I would have loved to see a proposal outlining either one of multiple airdrops to reward activity within the Akita ecosystem.

I don’t think we should suddenly do a lot of airdrops. Let’s start with a few.

I’ll list a few airdrop ideas. Please add to this list - we can make it happen. Also, which token should be airdropped? (Akita or Hachi?)

  1. Participation in Akita governance using Snapshot.
  2. Akita discourse activity.
  3. Releasing Akita utility (preferably documented on Akita GitHub?)
  4. Akita artists (as in, releasing Akita/Hachi NFTs).

I’m in favor of using HACHI to reward these activities. Any activity that is benefiting the DAO should get rewarded, and these are some core activities that anyone could achieve.

I’m not opposed to using AKITA to reward people too, but I think that no more than 50% of a reward should be in AKITA, and at least 50% of a reward should be in HACHI…