Potential Akita Usecases and Development

What drives every project is its usecases. Akita has been through a lot of hurdles that deprived her of funds and therefore directly hampered her development. Itโ€™s good we are back on our feet now to show the world the sfuff we are made of.

This topic shall be focusing on potential projects that can make Akita thrive, and how we can go about actualising them.



Do we think that going into Ai (GPT) projects will be a good idea for Akita?

Hello . We need a good detailed text from you . Please write a summary of your proposal first . Then include the benifits . Also basic requirement for all requests : Costing

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This is an extremely broad topic, itโ€™s basically as general as why we are using Discourse itself. I see youโ€™ve made a suggestion of using A.I in a way so please bring that up with details and ideas in a new topic.

Akita is the three dogs. Everyone should believe in Akitaโ€™s power. Akita was the earliest released memecoin. Ranked third dog. We need to take action!

Please contribute ideas, detailed ideas just as Amir has explained and not just say โ€œWe need to take actionโ€

One of the first accomplishments of AKITA has to be able to show it is a community-owned token by establishing the Akita DAO. This demonstrates there is a group of common-goal investors who want to accomplish something.

AKITA has a locked Liquidity Pool on Uniswap V2. This means that as trading continues, the liquidity will continually grow. Every trade has a fee that is added back into the AKITA/ETH LP.

AKITA also has an LP on Avalanche Network. With both AKITA and AVAX dropping over the past two years, the LP is not robust, however it operates in the same way as the UniV2 pool โ€“ every trade that is done brings more liquidity to the LP.

Two basic ideas:

  • What are the easy routes of leveraging these liquidity situations?
  • How can we make them grow?

Staking โ€“ rewards given out passively could be a securities risk for many US investors. How can we have a staking solution which requires some additional activity? Possible solution could be looking at more gamified DAO operations such as Game7 and their SUMMON protocol which acknowledges community activity.

Borrowing โ€“ this is a common DeFi scenario, but it requires a large amount of reserves to back the currencies which are being loaned. We have limited reserves right now, so this is probably not something we can do in the near future.

Transactional services โ€“ using AKITA to buy merch, to make donations, to give as grants to artists, entrepreneurs, etc. Most of this will involve adding sell-pressure to the AKITA token, so how can Akita DAO incentivize people to buy more AKITA so that they can continue to use it in their transactions?

Charitable causes โ€“ does Akita DAO support a specific charitable cause that encourages people to buy AKITA and contribute towards this cause?

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Other options for dApps might include swaps or DEX.

NFT projects are possible to discuss, such as a fundraiser or DeFi/GameFi tokens.

Also, we should consider partnerships with other web3 project communities.