Enabling AKITA Community Earn and Pump While Playing Games

Hey AKITA Community,

I am Anand from the Founder’s Office of Kandle.xyz, a crypto gaming startup backed by Saama Capital and CoinDCX, India’s largest CEX.

AKITA seems to have great future prospects and we would like to partner with you on the journey. What I am proposing is a partnership wherein we would produce and host AKITA’s Community League Game on our platform for the community to come and play. Moreover, for other players on our platform to discover and play the games using $AKITA.

The games are highly rewarding and exciting. It’s a great way to not only generate enthusiasm within the community, but also build an additional source of revenue for the community.

What we also offer is SDK integration within your platform to bolster the partnership and for a lifetime of revenue!

Our Community Leagues are gaining traction and has worked massively for other tokens we have worked with. We currently have Tezos, FUNtoken, DogWIF and others listing on our platform for the same.

I would urge you to try this out as nothing much is required from AKITA’s side. Just the logo and approval on the prize distribution format and we can go live within a couple of hours!

Looking for a positive response and collaboration.

Thank you and regards,
Anand Tiwari


Thanks, Anand.
Can you provide some more detail on how the $AKITA token is used on your platform?
How much $AKITA would you suggest is required as a minimum? You mention there is a prize distribution format, can you give some examples? How often are prizes distributed?
Is the token available for all games on your platform? Is there any way we can see a test of this in action?

I’m sure other people have questions to add, maybe more could come up.