AKITA buyback using HACHI

As the title says, in the original HACHI tokenomics we allocate 15% of the total tokens for the purchase of AKITA. This would be done 180 days after HACHI’s first claim period for AKITA holders (which ended in June 2023).

What to do with the repurchased AKITA tokens will be discussed later, the priority now should be the repurchase, as more than 180 days have passed, and we missed the opportunity to buy AKITA with 7 zeros now we will have to buy more expensive and if we wait longer it will be more and more expensive. This should not even be put into discussion, as it is in the tokenomics and in the initial planning of HACHI, we should not betray the community.

Source: AKITA Purchasing - Akita DAO

Suggestion: Make a single purchase with the 15% of HACHI. Once done, we will start discussing what to do with the AKITA tokens.

Cómo lo dice el título, en los tokenomics originales de HACHI asignamos un 15% de los tokens totales para la compra de AKITA. Esto se haría 180 días después del primer periodo de reclamación de HACHI para los holder de AKITA (el cual terminó en junio de 2023).

Lo que se haga con los tokens AKITA recomprados se discutirá después, lo prioritario ahora debería ser la recompra, ya que han pasado más de 180 días y nos perdimos la oportunidad de comprar AKITA con 7 ceros ahora tendremos que comprar más caro y si esperamos más tiempo será cada vez más caro. Esto ni siquiera debería ser puesto en discusión, ya que está en los tokenomics y en la planeación inicial de HACHI, no debemos traicionar a la comunidad.

Fuente: Compra de AKITA - AKITA DAO - Español

Sugerencia: Hacer una única compra con el 15% de HACHI. Una vez hecha, empezaremos a discutir que se hará con los tokens AKITA.

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1 - We aren’t betraying the community, we are the community lol

2 - It clearly states all details for this process will be determined by DAO, but until now it wasn’t brought up

3 - I think what we do with the $AKITA is very important to know moving forward

4 - What are the pros and cons of this proposal?


It makes sense to start selling Hachi, but I am of the opinion that:

  1. We should first define what the tokens should be used for.
  2. The amount sold should be much lower until buy volumes are higher. Unless you want to completely sink the token.

Once buy volumes go up, sell volumes can go up too.

  1. It was defined since the conception of HACHI but somehow ended up forgotten.

  2. It is true that the details would be defined by the DAO but it refers to what will be done with the purchased AKITA tokens, the buyback did not have to be left up for discussion since it had already been defined since the beggining.

  3. What will be done with the AKITA tokens will be defined later.

  4. Act as support against Gitcoin sales that are still ongoing.

  1. What will be done with the AKITA tokens will be defined later.

  2. It makes sense not to buy everything at once, it could be done in three or more purchases in different periods, the important thing is to do it before the halving or else we will have to pay more for fewer AKITA tokens.

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The liquidity on Uniswap V2 and V3 is at most $180K, and the current market value of 15% of the HACHI supply (15M) far exceeds that liquidity value. Consider that the V3 has approximately 795K HACHI. The V2 pool has approximately 119K HACHI. It would be impossible to sell 15M HACHI all at once. This is also not the intent of the allocation within the tokenomics, and more effort should be given to maximizing the value of this allocation. This is precisely the problem Gitcoin was faced in making their decisions to use AKITA for long term funding generation with minimal impact on price.

Using small chunks of HACHI in TWAP on a platform such as CowSwap could enable long term acquisition of AKITA with less impact. However, the impact would be severe if there is no other trading action around HACHI.

I agree with @TriniPrince and @Dumplingnomnom that there should also be an earmarked purpose for this AKITA such as sell off for stablecoin treasury reserve, liquidity reserve for CEX or DEC pairings, market making reserve, Artist grants for community, dApp development for community, DeFi investment, etc.