Unclaimed community tokens: What should we do with them?

For unclaimed community tokens, I propose we use some of them to establish other streams of income that support and expand the ecosystems Akita and Hachi are a part of, without the need to develop new things (such as an Avalanche node, which requires 2,000 AVAX). Income generated by this node would supplement the Sablier stream and give the DAO more budget to work with, and may be low-hanging fruit diversifying and increasing inflows to the DAO.

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At this time, I might suggest we pull these various ideas into a poll, and use Snapshot to rank those poll choices to find which should be explored further in a dedicated thread.

Do we want to specify how much of the tokens we are dealing with first? Assuming we won’t burn/sell/lock/distribute all the remaining tokens for one initiative.

Whatever we do with them, I suggest we split the total amount into X rounds, define the size for each round and vote/propose one round at a time.

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Would rounds of 1,000,000 Hachi make sense, and the last round being 1M Hachi + the remainder?

At $0.12/ea for example, each round would be about $120,000 total budget, and any lessons learned or changes in priority can still be addressed.

1M Hachi is a lot
If the batch is that big, I think it is very important we have detailed info on the sell strategy (in case the proposal includes any selling)


For this topic , i suggest having the proposal and all options in snapshot for voting , juts as Ryan said .

For now we have these options :

1 - using unclaimed HACHI’s to develope new utility for AKITA
2 - burn them
3 - new claim/airdrop for Akita holders
4 - paying for marketing (may need to sell tokens)
5 - using them to buil LP for other chains , like Bsc etc…

Please add more if you have any new idea

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I am KITSU holder. I invested there because KITSU was connected with AKITA and whole team of AKITA were working on it. Everyone dissapear and all of us been abandoned. So, is a “must” of AKITA do something for KITSU holders. A lot of money there invested and no one listen us. Trini Prince, thank you for your support.

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I think you are a bit confused. Some members of Akita team back then were supporting the token as investors. I was there too as a chat moderator, but I wasn’t there as a representative of Akita. Very big difference.


Nudging this topic as the claim period is about to come to an end on June 12.

We continue to see some claims, but the remaining total at time of writing is 9,877,251.42 HACHI.

My top choice is to establish a plan for a second free claim (NOT an airdrop). The rewards tiers for this system would include AKITA holders (at a higher minimum than Nov 2022), HACHI holders, and people who voted in Akita DAO proposals so far. This does not have to be all the leftover tokens, so I suggest 250,000 - 1,000,000 HACHI are used for this second claim.

  1. Use them to buy back AKITA and burn them.
  2. New Claim/Airdrop for Akita Holders (maybe we can move higher the minimum amount of AKITA to participate).

Sounds good , i’ll vote for a new claim😀


I vote for second claim. Let them have if they earned it. It will build trust for AKITA. I would suggest the whole 10M to be put into this.


I would like to know how to claim?
I hold 2 billions Akita since 2 years, but on Polonex account, and actualy all transaction is disabled with Polonex for Akita.
Let know how to proceed for the HACHI laim…
My best;

Keep going guys!!

Hi . Please wait for future proposals about 2nd airdrop

Hi @rothring - if you didn’t see the announcement yesterday, HACHI is now live on Arbitrum. The 2nd airdrop will be announced soon, and it will be a claim on Arbitrum.

If you are still holding on Poloniex or any other CEX, and you want to be considered eligible during the onchain snapshot of AKITA holders, then you will need to transfer your tokens into a private onchain wallet before the window of time that the snapshot will take place. This could be any wallet that registers on Etherscan, such as a MetaMask, Rainbow, Rabby, etc.

The window of time will be announced with other details.

Make sure you are following the main TG channel’s pinned messages, the TG Announcement channel, and the Akita X account for all the details when they are announced.

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