Do you want a new AKITA logo?

It has already been replaced and to go back to it you need to understand that it is “Copyright Protected” and AKITA DAO is not the copyright owner

So what? brother. Are we unable to walk in the face of difficulties? Or do you want me to help you solve all the problems?

Take immediate action. I am an acute person

You brought up this logo change idea, please be detailed, if you want the old logo, do research about who owns it and what it would cost us to have it. If you want a new logo, please find a new logo we can own and what it would cost to have it. Ideas need details, if it’s just a topic of discussion you want then fine we can discuss ideas of what to do but please don’t rely on anyone else here to implement your ideas with no details at all.

Nope, new one is seems more profesional :man_dancing:t2:

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We don’t have the copyright – its a “stock image” meaning that it is mass produced art that was stolen from the internet. The same image could be licensed for a fee, but that does not protect us from another token using the same image for their logo. Also, if you do a reverse image search on Google, it is clear that many other coins have already used the same image. They are often called some variation of Akita, Shiba, EarthShiba, etc. Why would we want to use an image this is not distinctly ours?

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I think its important to consider what AKITA is –

  • Is it just a meme coin with no meaning, and meant to be dismissed as something silly, not serious, and therefor no real reason for accumulating or holding?
  • Is it just a pump and dump?
  • Is it something serious that has long-term potential to be a serious financial tool?
  • Is it something worth investing in because it looks like it is from a team or community that knows what it is doing and should be trustworthy?

These questions should inform what type of logo AKITA has.

The current blue logo was created after answering these questions. We were trying to convey:

  • AKITA is more than just a meme coin.
  • AKITA can be serious, and should be trusted in a DeFi world.
  • AKITA is professional, and the team and community that represent AKITA are knowledgeable and trustworthy.
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I have discovered the root cause of the problem! You don’t like memecoin at all, you don’t like animal currency. Do you think that’s foolish? Why do you have this idea? It is very popular in the market.

What is the reason why you feel that only the currency of technological projects can be successful and popular? This world is big, there must be something different.

It is very popular, and I think you misunderstand. Ask yourself, “Why would he be here, if he didn’t like meme coins?” However, if being just a meme is all that a coin is – then it is only for moonboys and people looking to get rich over night. That is why we are here, no? To bring more utility? to bring more use case? More than just a meme?


The world is full of infinite possibilities. What do you see as great “value” for any coin to be collected?

Of course, there should not be just an empty shell. I agree with that.

I think something could be done to move forward on this topic; but it will cost a spot of money. This is where we could propose a competent intellectual property lawyer and get a legal opinion on whether it is feasible to go back to an older version of the character - assuming that an IP laywer has not already be sought out. But yes, helping Akita look similar to its sibling (Shiba) might be a good direction to go - whether we can go back or design a new logo is something we’d want from a legal expert.

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We did not consult an IP lawyer and I do not represent myself as any sort of lawyer, but from my extensive background working with IP and interpreting terms of use in content distribution agreements, we are not allowed to use it as a logo with commercial intent (ie to make money).

The original logo comes from this artist Rexcanor here:

The primary artwork:

The website’s terms and conditions expressly prohibit the use of any royalty-free download of the artwork in commercial settings that are intended for sales and redistribution:

This does not prevent anyone in the community from using it in memes and non-commercial settings, but that is not why we are discussing this logo here. We need to own full rights over a logo so that we can use it in a commercial setting.

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The most annoying thing about Akita is the current logo
It never attracts attention
The next logo should focus on making a dog meme as cute as the previous one or more cute. You will not imagine how wonderful this move will be for akita and to increase its popularity.

If there are people who want to raise a proposal to create a logo similar to the original AKITA INU logo, then I recommend contacting that designer. Either to create a similar logo or buying the IP rights of the original logo.

Updated: Removed his email as I have contacted him myself already. Providing update a few posts down.

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سلام قطعا اگه لوگوی اکیتا به لوگوی قبلی برگرده خیلی بهتره
چون عمده جامعه اکیتا رو به لوگوی قبل میشناسن و حتی بعضی
هم فکر میکنن اکیتا تغییر ورژن داده و اینکه خیلی افراد چه در گروه فارسی و گروه اصلی این سوال مطرح کردن

Sorry but at the moment, English only please

I have been writing to this artist, which some of us believe is the artist of the original AKITA logo.

You can find examples of his work here: Rexcanor (Rexcanor) - Photos

We can’t get the IP rights of the designs already uploaded to, but we can ask this artist to make something new. We can ask him to create the logo based on one of the designs on (including the V1 AKITA logo) or use something else as inspiration.

The price he mentioned is $1500. That includes multiple feedback loops during the sketching phase.

This information should be enough for the budget part of the proposal.

The proposal needs more information on the creative direction though. In short, which design(s) will the artist use for inspiration? In case he is supposed to use the original AKITA logo as inspiration, what kind of modifications should he do to it?

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The original logo looks like a cat and with the red scarf it’s a communist cat :smiley_cat:
Anyway, that’s the impression I got when I first saw it. But I bought Akita even though I thought the logo was ridiculous. Not important to me how it looks.

I thought the second logo was an improvement, even with its tongue out. That’s what dogs do

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